Heal your body & mind.

Elevate your life.

Create a healing space.

Get certified.

All from home.

Energy Healing & Hypnotherapy

Telehealth Treatments

Treatments take place from the comfort of your home. Heal from illness or disease and set goals to improve your mental and physical performance.

Explore Indigo Clinics

Healing Courses

Pleiadian Institute is a branch of Indigo International that delivers training 100% online. All of our courses include custom audio healing experiences on MP3, video masterclasses and PDF guides that present the topics you are learning about in a comprehensive and lively format.

Train in energy healing, hypnosis, crystal healing and spiritual healing.

All courses are open to beginners and can deepen and enrich an advanced practitioner's work as well. Work smarter, not harder. Take our resources into your healing practice or community and let them work for you!

Learn More

Activate Your Chakras.

Your chakras are the centers of your personal universe. Activate your chakras through connecting with the Goddess in meditation & breathing high vibrational light through your body. Learn a system that you can use over and over to align & activate your chakras for optimal health.

Develop Your Intuitive Genius.

Develop your intuition through practice and explore the practices that form the foundation for healthy intuitive work. Learn how to qualitatively define the realms of the unseen world and in depth practices including clearing, protection, whole food healing, grounding, mindful meditation, automatic writing, and working with crystal and plant medicine.

Develop the Gifts of Your Ancestors.

Indigenous healers and shamans have used energy, Spirit and crystals to bring health to people for thousands of years.  Learn how ancient civilizations like Atlantis, Lemuria, and Egypt and indigenous shamans harnessed the power of energy, Spirit and crystals to enhance their relationships with God, each other and Mother Earth. 

Learn & Apply the Healing Properties of Gemstones.

Understand how to use specific crystals to bring balance and harmony in your physical body. Move through a comprehensive overview over 300 known crystals and minerals used for healing. Learn the geophysical & metaphysical healing properties in a way that will help you to categorize and utilize them for healing work.

Career Training

Heal, learn, train & research in energy healing, hypnosis & spiritual healing with practitioners internationally from the comfort of your home.

We meet you where you are at and share a deep, transformative & comprehensive healing curriculum in the modalities we teach. Experience online learning & career training 100% online with a co-op education model that includes a network of hands-on virtual experiences.

I’ve been in preparation and creation mode for a few months now, as I’ve opened my own massage studio! (Back in November) I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt so inspired and motivated!

The creative aspect has been designing and arranging my perfect sacred healing space to not only utilize this as my own meditative space but also a divine healing space for treating clients. My “healing altar” has expanded into a whole studio!! I have arranged my crystals, saged, cleared the energy and my clients absolutely love my new space! This is my new happy place filled with love, healing energy, and the highest vibrational frequencies! I cannot wait to officially begin offering Reiki healing sessions to clients!

Saralyn (North Carolina)

March 11, 2024

Integrated Energy Healing Certification Program

"I actually felt like, “I can do this!” I have been nervous about working full time, having kids, and two classes at a time. I feel that this work is so important and that I am called to do it."

Jamie, Pennsylvania

Integrative Crystal Therapy Certification

March, 2023

"Working with this chakra helped me realize how much of a struggle I’ve had with this particular one. Whenever I’ve had Reiki done, I always feel a flow of energy there. During this meditation I asked for passion and creative flow to come through.

After concentrating energy on the Svadhisthana, I have felt more inspired and creative and have spent hours redoing my store and getting downloads that are beautiful and inspiring."

Emily, Oregon

Integrative Energy Healing Certification

March, 2023

"I'm traveling this week, but I put priority on my healing. I thoroughly adore this meditation. It brought so much healing and release. I love every aspect of it, thank you so much."

Daisy, Alaska

Integrative Hypnosis Certification

May, 2023

Crystal Healing & Sound Healing

OM APOTHECARY is the first social enterprise within INDIGO INTERNATIONAL. 

  • A social enterprise is a business designed to maximizing well-being and making a positive social impact. 
  • 100% of our profits support free and sliding scale energy healing tele-health clinics and online training for people in need.
  • We source ethically mined crystals from a beautiful heart-centered women-led business in southern California for healing practitioners. 

There is no 'them' and 'us',

there is only us.

- Father Gregory Boyle

We are stronger when we support each other.

Our mission is to make holistic healing more accessible to underserved people. We deliver treatments, trainings & tools virtually. We are here to enhance your mental, emotional & physical health. We help you to heal from and prevent injury, illness, disease and trauma.

We practice radical inclusion, we honor and serve all people.

We welcome adults, teens and children of all ages, races, religions, sexual orientations, gender identities and income levels into our community. We turn no one away by offering a variety of options to join our community including research studies, scholarships, grants, and work-study programs.

We provide free and sliding scale clinics, scholarships

and grants for people in need.

Indigo Health Foundation